Serverless job scheduling and cron

Struggling to run background jobs in serverless environment? That's why we made Next Cron. You can setup background jobs with just a few lines of code.

1. Schedule job with our SDK

import { NextCron } from 'next-cron-node'

const nextCron = new NextCron('YOUR_API_KEY')

await nextCron.schedule.create({
  name: "unique-name",
  data: {
    userId: "user1",
  scheduledAt: new Date(),
  endpoint: '',

2. Create an API endpoint

import { NextResponse } from 'next/server'

export async function POST(req: Request) {
  const data = await req.json()


  // OUTPUT: user1
  return NextResponse.json({
    success: true

Simple & Scalable

Start for free and upgrade as you grow. No hidden fees or surprises.

Includes 4000 invocations per month
Unlimited cron
Automatic retries
Includes 20000 invocations per month
Then as low as $0.0000022 per invocation
Priority support
Unlimited users